After 1.0, 2.0, CREDIR 3.0 is now up and running

Since 2013, trainees and clients have told us several times a month that CREDIR is magic. 

What a weird word in this evolving and complex world of work! 

At CREDIR we smile a lot. Those, who are struggling, regain confidence through contact with peers who have bounced back and analyzed their own worries.  

This smiling magic is one of CREDIR’s strengths. We know how to transform exhaustion and discomfort among professionals into a renewed Global Quality of Life (GQL) that restores the desire to be fulfilled and the willingness to undertake new projects.  

A magic trick requires a lot of technicality. There is nothing irrational about it. There are always tricks. The NGO CREDIR, with its team of researchers and multidisciplinary practitioners, is constantly listening to the field in order to refine its intervention techniques. After a decade of research and practice, we have developed such processes that this magic is no longer a matter of chance. These processes are represented in our magic circle, which produces a regular flow of sustainable innovations (3d training session, #GQL, Invictogram, #PSL, 3S, etc.) 

CREDIR 3.0 « on the move »

The NGO that fights against human exhaustion, that constantly innovates, that achieves results, defines and implements 3 major axes for the next decade. 

  1. Successful medical research of markers of exhaustion. 
  2. Prepare new generations so as to avoid more health disasters. 
  3. Transmit and enrich the CREDIR pedagogy through a growing number of locations around the world. 


CREDIR 3.0 is not just a concept. It’s real, with announcements on 3 major axes. 

  1. A research cooperation agreement with a laboratory of the French Army, the IRBA. 
  2. The establishment of a team for CREDIR NG (Next Generation) chaired by Christine Coisne, Dr EDBA, and for CREDIR Sports, chaired by Marion Rolland, world ski champion. 
  3. The birth of CREDIR SÖD, 1st CREDIR center in a language other than French, which will operate near Zurich for German-speaking countries. 

Join the magic of CREDIR « on the move »


You benefit from pioneering and innovative Human Resources services while supporting the cause of fighting against human burnout and the promotion of GQL. In an NGO, profits fuel development. The margins on the services you acquire are mainly allocated to research. 


Volunteers and speakers 

You will join a smiling, multidisciplinary and international team that thrives on seeing the magical effects of its actions month after month. 


You replicate and enrich the CREDIR experience in another language, in countries other than France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany or Austria. 



You support the efforts of medical research and the preparation of the new generations. We need millions to develop the markers that will break the drift of human lifestyle. The planet needs professionals in good physical and psychological health, especially to meet the environmental challenges.