
20 September 2021

Launch of CREDIR 3.0

20 sept 2021

Lancement du CREDIR 3.0

Since 2013, trainees and clients have told us, several times per month, that CREDIR is magical. 

What a strange word in this evolving and complex world of work! At CREDIR, we smile a lot. Those who are struggling regain confidence through contact with peers who have bounced back and analyzed their own worries and fears. 

This smiling magic is one of the strengths of CREDIR. We know how to transform exhaustion and discomfort among professionals into a renewed Global Quality of Life (GQL) that restores the desire to fulfill oneself and start a new venture.  
A magic trick involves a lot of technicalities. There is nothing irrational about it. There are always tricks. 

The NGO CREDIR, with its team of researchers and multidisciplinary practitioners, is constantly listening to the field to refine its intervention techniques. After a decade of research and practice, we have developed processes that make this magic happen. These processes are represented in our magic circle, which produces a regular flow of sustainable innovations (3 days training session, #GQL, Invictogram, #PSL, 3S, etc.) 

30 April 2020

Launch of the first CREDIR Observatory survey

30 avril 2020

Lancement de la 1ère enquête de l’Observatoire du CREDIR

This is another very important evolution that came out of COVID. Sensing that the mood of professionals at work is very heterogeneous and variable during this COVID crisis, Geneviève Depresseux, Dominique Brunissen and J-D Budin are working hard to complete the CREDIR Observatory project, capable of conducting surveys on large samples of people. Bingo!  Over 700 responses are added to CREDIR’s research and pedagogy. Since the start in 2013, we have accumulated qualitative data in the form of 40,000 pages of life stories. Now, we also have quantitative data. Consequently, as the experts say, we’re going to be able to triangulate and be even more relevant. 

9 March 2020

CREDIR goes into lockdown

9 mars 2020 

Le CREDIR se confine

One of our employees seems to have COVID. While France is not yet into lock down, a very difficult decision has to be made. Should we close the centre in Kientzheim for fear of contamination? We decide to close the centre and many customers are expressing their admiration for this brave decision. They still do not know that a few days later, the whole France will be into lock down. For CREDIR, it smells like a funeral. No more activities! The training sessions are stopping, the missions in companies are no longer possible, and fixed charges are carrying on. The concern is huge. 

18 September 2019

Live interview on the set of a “France Info Télévisions” in Paris

18 sept 2019

Interview en direct sur le plateau de France Info Télévisions à Paris

After France 3 in Strasbourg, here is the headquarters of France Télévisions in Paris. A journalist calls in the morning and in the evening arrival in Paris with a lot of stress to be able to be on time due to a strike. Not even time for a makeup session (phew…). A fifteen-minute sequence, focused on the exhaustion of young professionals.

1 April 2019

The Resilience Prize is awarded to the CREDIR at the Senate in Paris

1er avril 2019

Le Prix de la Résilience est remis au CREDIR au Sénat à Paris

CREDIR wins this award in the research category. It was presented to J-D Budin in the Senate’s Salons. It was a moving moment because the term resilience connects to the famous Boris Cyrulnik, one of J-D Budin’s masterminds

29 March 2019

CREDIR Belux organizes its first one-day training session in Belgium

29 mars 2019

CREDIR Belux organise son 1er stage d’un jour en Belgique

L’équipe du CREDIR en Belgique a conçu ce stage d’un jour à partir des modules du stage de 3 jours. Cela permet une logistique plus simple puisqu’il n’y a pas d’hébergement. Ce stage est davantage une découverte de la QVG qu’une possibilité d’aller au fon des choses avec une personne très affectée, mais c’est une bonne occasion de montrer la présence du CREDIR en Belgique.

10 déc 2018

Le CREDIR est interviewé en direct sur France 3 Alsace

10 déc 2018

Le CREDIR est interviewé en direct sur France 3 Alsace

The CREDIR team in Belgium has designed this one-day training session from the modules of the 3-day training session. This allows for simpler logistics as there is no accommodation. This training session is more of a discovery of the GQL than an opportunity to get to the bottom of things with a very affected person. It is also a good opportunity to show the presence of CREDIR in Belgium 

8 october 2018

CREDIR is established in Belgium

10 déc 2018

Le CREDIR est interviewé en direct sur France 3 Alsace

CREDIR Belux is born and starts the globalization of CREDIR. A motivated and multidisciplinary team relays CREDIR‘s pedagogy and launches the activities in Belgium and Luxembourg

18-23 June 2018

Shooting of a documentary by “France Télévision”

18-23 juin 2018 

Tournage d’un documentaire par France Télévision

Christophe Rémy is a freelance television director with strong ties to France Télévisions. He had contacted CREDIR in 2014 because he was looking to edit a 50-minute documentary on bouncing back after a failure. The result discovered in November is particularly moving. This film will be shown on several regional stations of France 3 and remains a fantastic showcas of what is being done at CREDIR. The CREDIR team is featured alongside Boris Cyrulnik, the theorist of resilience, a concept at the heart of J-D Budin’s research. 

1 February 2017

The first CREDIR book & Invitation to the Ministry of Labor

1er février 2017

Le 1er livre du CREDIR & Invitation au Ministère du travail

Editions “Alisio” publishes “Don’t kill yourself anymore at work! In search of the rightbalance.” The book was quickly well received and was the subject of numerous press articles. 

The French Ministry of Labor was informed of the publication of the book and asked CREDIR for a meeting. Jean-Christophe Anna and Jean-Denis Budin were received at the Cabinet of the Minister “rue de Grenelle”. 

22 April 2016

The #GQL concept was born

22 avril 2016

Le concept #QVG est née

During an unplanned brainstorming session (which is common between these two), Jean-Christophe and Jean-Denis realize that the concept of QLW (Quality of Life at Work) is too restrictive, and that the pedagogy of CREDIR makes it possible to broaden the scope of the problems encountered by professionals in transition. The Global Quality of Life (#GQL) was born. This concept will have an essential impact on the development of the CREDIR adventure. 

#CQL = Health + #QLW + #QLOW (Quality of Life at Work and Outside Work) 

21 mai 2015

The milestone of 100 trainees!

21 mai 2015

Le cap des 100 stagiaires !

The CREDIR has welcomed a hundred trainees less than 2 years after its creation. Since the second training session, the satisfaction rate is unequivocal: 100% of the trainees are fully satisfied with their 3 days in Alsace. The CREDIR seems to be a world first. Similar centers exist to train competitive athletes. But centers that bring together so many different skills in one place to accommodate professionals than others than athletes do not seem to exist. 

Credir is concerned with bouncing back, but also focuses on prevention and crisis management. On both sides of the Atlantic, the same question is often asked: “why hasn’t this CREDIR been invented for a long time, so obvious is the need? » 


CREDIR TRANSITION’s network of territorial delegations is gradually being deployed in France and abroad.  

The actions of CREDIR RESEARCH are developing (Business Research Groups, work with the Faculty of Medicine of Strasbourg on stress management, etc.)

21 September 2013

International recognition for research work

21 Sept. 2013

Une reconnaissance internationale des travaux de recherche

During the EDBA (Executive doctorate in Business Administration) International Conference in Atlanta, Jean-Denis Budin was invited to join the Board of Directors of the EDBA Council15. Jean-Denis Budin’s thesis and the career development it allowed are among the ” success stories” that illustrate the scientific contribution of the work of experienced practitioners who engage in academic research.  

Jean-Denis Budin will thus have the opportunity to introduce CREDIR to foreigners (Americans, Japanese, Chinese, other Europeans, etc.) The reactions are always the same: the conclusions of this research speak to the listeners and a CREDIR here would be a good idea. Contrary to popular belief, the difficulties of dealing with failure and transition seem to be common to all cultures.

21 June 2013

CREDIR organizes its first training session

21 Juin 2013

Le CREDIR organise son premier stage

After 9 months of preparation, the first training session welcomes 6 participants. The atmosphere, the results, the feedbacks, are considered exceptional for a first edition. More than 20 peers and experts are involved: CEOs, managers, executives, general practitioners, psychiatrists, lawyers, accountants, consultants, sports coaches, etc. Their enthusiasm is at least as surprising as that of the trainees.  


As the training sessions are repeated each month, the team will understand that a phenomenon that may seem magical is similar to a chemical reaction:  

Double Parity (of the speakers) + Scientific and Benevolent Approach + Professionalism  

The speakers are as much in professional parity with the participants as in parity of experience of the ups and downs of life. The scientific analysis of the transition trajectories consolidates this parity. The words benevolence and professionalism are those most often told by the trainees.  

The extraordinary events observed in this first training session, and then in all the others, are the main driver of this CREDIR adventure. 

4 September 2012

Green light for CREDIR

4 Sept. 2012

Feu vert au CREDIR

The President of the Haut-Rhin General Council gave the green light for the CREDIR to be located in Kientzheim, on the enchanting site of a former international high school in the middle of the vineyards. This domain, which still houses university activities related to Japan (CEEJA), has a hotel, sports fields, and therefore all the infrastructures necessary for CREDIR’s training sessions.   

An organization was immediately founded to prepare the launch of the training sessions. The CREDIR brings together a team of about thirty entrepreneurs, doctors, athletes, etc. 

8 June 2012

D-Day to validate the PhD

8 Juin 2012

Le jour J pour valider le doctorat

More than a hundred people attended the thesis defense in an amphitheater at “Paris Dauphine University”: family, friends, entrepreneurs, journalists, etc. The title of the thesis: “The untold stories of troubled business leaders: in search of the key success factors in failure.”  

One of the conclusions of the thesis is the opening of a center to welcome entrepreneurs in difficulty and professionals in transition. 

Based on 300 days of scientific research and many innovative tools developed during this time, this center plans to use certain training techniques used for competitive athletes.

9 June 2010

The thesis behind a great project...

9 Juin 2010

La thèse derrière un grand projet...

The director of the EDBA Doctoral program at the University of Paris Dauphine recommended that Jean-Denis Budin undertake scientific research on the trajectories of entrepreneurs in difficulty 

12 June 2008

Burnout, this unknown that feeds on the life of a manager in difficulty...

12 juin 2008

Le burnout, cet inconnu qui se nourrit de la vie d’un dirigeant en difficultés… 

After 20 years of career as a salaried executive in large companies around the world, the last 3 years had been difficult with the bankruptcy of the SME bought in 2003, combined with several personal events that were difficult to overcome. 


Jean-Denis Budin visits his general practitioner, Dr. Patrick M, after a sleepless night. He diagnoses burnout. Jean-Denis Budin hardly knows what this pathology is.  


Surrounded by efficient doctors (Dr. Patrick M and Dr. Benoît G), the convalescence was rather quick. The support of many friends, including some who had experienced difficult times themselves, was very valuable.  

It is necessary to start from scratch in the professional life. A new life as a consultant and teacher starts few months later.